Right To Information

Designation of Appellate Authority, Central Public Information Officer in the office of Principal Commissioner of Customs, Visakhapatnam

Joint Commissioner of Customs,
Office of the Principal Commissioner of Customs,
Custom House, Port Area
Phone (0891) 2560408
Email Id:
D. Commissioner Of Customs,
Office of the Principal Commissioner of Customs,
Custom House, Port Area,
Phone (0891) 2793418
Email Id:dcrti-cusvzg@gov.in
Suo Motu Declaration under 4(1)(b) of RTI ACT, 2005

(i) The particulars of the Organization, Functions and Duties :

The Visakhapatnam Custom House was under the administrative control of the Commissioner of Central Excise, Hyderabad till 1956. The Custom House was bifurcated from the Central Excise Commissionerate of Hyderabad and was attached to the Custom House, Madras from 1.1.1957. A Commissionerate of Customs & Central Excise was formed at Visakhapatnam with effect from 06.04.1990 vide notification no.15/90-Cus (NT) dated 06.4.1990. A separate Commissionerate of Customs was formed at Visakhapatnam in July, 1997 vide notification no.27/97-Cus (NT) dated 07.07.1997. The Vizag Customs Commissionerate is one of the Commissionerates under the Chief Commissioner of Customs & Central Excise, Visakhapatnam Zone, and it is an independent Commissionerate.

The jurisdiction of Visakhapatnam Custom House includes the area covering the Port of Visakhapatnam, Gangavaram port, Visakhapatnam International Airport, Container Freight Station at Bayyavaram Village, Kasimkota Mandal, Visakhapatnam District, Visakhapatnam, Special Economic Zone and the areas under the Greater Visakhapatnam Muncipal Corporation of Visakhapatnam in the state of Andhra Pradesh defined vide Notification No. 114/2016-Customs (N.T.) dated 26.08.2016.

This organization is responsible to facilitate Importer/Exporters and to enforce customs laws as well as other associated Act and provisions related to the clearance of Imported and Exported goods. Clearance of Import/Export goods are being processed through on-line ICES (Indian Custom EDI System) which provides door step facility to the Importers/Exporters. This commissionerate have introduced "Sevottam", i.e. "Public Service Delivery Excellence Model" under which we have endeavored to raise the bar of our excellence and to meet expectation of trade and Industry.

The Custom House is headed by the Principal Commissioner of Customs. The organizational structure and functions of Visakhapatnam Customs Commissionerate is mentioned in Annexure -"A". There are various departments/Units under this Commissionerate. The details of wings of this Commissionerate is mentioned in Annexure -"B"


Sl.No Name of Sections Dealing With
1 Establishment Maintenance of staff strength, training, maintenance of APARs deals with matter pending with CAT,conducting of DPC for promotions, deputation, drawing seniority list of employees and recruitment.
2 Airport & Air Cargo Complex Clearance of international passengers and their baggages, VIP protocol duties, maintenance of co-ordination with the different agencies attached with Vizag International Airport and other misc. correspondence. Clearance of Import & Export Cargo, clearance of un-accompanied baggage.
3 CIU Submission of preliminary enquiry report related to complaints against employees, processing of Immovable Property Return from Govt. employees, issuance of NOC to employees in respect of acquisition/ transfer of movable and immovable property and foreign tour etc. implementation of grievances redress system
4 EDI Procurement/distribution of computer hardware and software, maintenance of departmental hardware and software, updating EDI system and ensuring the functioning and proper utilization of various modules of EDI,
5 Accounts Related to all payments to Customs employees and all expenses in respect of maintenance of office, maintenance of service records of staff and matters related to pension and budget allocation and realization of govt. revenue through offline mode
6 AIU (Airport) I Information & intelligence gathering as well as exchange of information/ intelligence related to Airport with other agencies, rummaging of aircrafts, seizure of the smuggled goods.
7 PCA/IAD/MCD Audit of post clearance of imports, Co-ordination between Custom Revenue Audit Department under CAG with this Commissionerate. Verified & audit of closed import manifest.
8 SIIB Investigation of import goods / duty evasion/ IPR, monitoring of export obligation in respect of EPCG/Advance authorization, monitoring of bank realization after export & other related issues.
9 HRD/Records Provided logistics support to conduct trainings, Safe storage of official records, Bill of Entries etc.
10 ARC Recovery of tax arrears.
11 STATS/CB Compiling the performance data of different units of this Custom House and transmission of the same to the respective Ministries/Board, telegraphic release advice facility. Issuance and renewal of Custom Broker License for clearance of import/export cargo, issuance of permit/license for employees working under the different types of authorized Custom Broker Agencies for clearing the import/ export cargoes in different segments.
12 Legal Cell Review the adjudication orders passed by the ADC/ JC, DC/AC and ACS by the proper authority. Filling and follow up of appeal petition before Commissioner Appeals, CESTAT, High Court/Supreme Court in matters relating to disputes in assessment/ clearance of import/ export cargoes.
13 CHS / Buildings & Administration Allotment of Govt. accommodations, matters related to maintenance of office/guest house and housekeeping, purchase and supply of stationary, furniture and other goods to the various sections.
14 R1 & I / Vehicle Gathers information & intelligence as well as exchange of information/ intelligence with other agencies, rummaging of ships/vessels, seizure of the smuggled goods, issuance of show cause notices and adjudication thereof, issuance of disposal order of all seized/confiscated goods & process for sanctioning of Prosecution, processing or rewards. Providing vehicles to officers and departments for official use and maintenance of the departmental vehicles.
15 Correspondence Department & Sevottam Receipt and dispatch of all correspondence, matters related to welfare fund of the staff. Sevottam looks after service delivery, implementation of Citizen's Charter.
16 Warehouse & Disposal Unit it Maintain storage of seized/confiscated goods, including currencies and precious metals and jwelleries and processing the files related to disposal of the same
17 Refund Section Disbursement of drawback claim against exports made, receipt and processing of all refund cases
18 CASH Miscellaneous penalties/fees / import duty/export duty receive manually. Refund verification
19 APPRAISING MAIN Registration of export promotion scheme licenses and finalization of PD bonds.
20 APPRAISERS Assessment of various type of BEs and processing for clearance. Purchase of all types of law books and manuals for departmental use.
21 Docks (Appg) Assessment of import & export goods in docks. Facilitation of RMS bills
22 GENERAL PREVENTIVE Transfer & postings, preventive control within the jurisdiction, landing permission of bonded goods, maintenance of custodian. Collection of cost recovery charges
23 ITP CELL Processing of Container transshipment permit, landing permission of containers, debit & credit of continuity bond, monitoring of landed containers. Nepal cargo container transshipment, SEZ movements.
24 BONDS / EOUs/ SEZ Bonding & ex-bonding of imported cargo for warehouse.
25 IMPORT & EXPORT / SA / RTI processing of Import & Export manifest, amendment of IGMs & EGMs, processing of transshipment application, clubbing & splitting of IGMs, filling of manual BE & SB, issuance of PC, file processing of vessel conversion/reversion. Processing of Steamer Agents license. Receiving and processing of all RTI matters and Order in Appeals.
26 CUSTOMS LABORATORY Receive the samples of Import & Export goods, analyze by testing through standard test procedures in Laboratory and furnishing of technical reports/opinions. For more details in Annexure -"C"

There are two major ports under this Commissionerate for loading & unloading of exim and coastal cargo under proper supervision, clearance of crew baggage on sign on & sign off etc.

  • The Visakhapatnam Port (27 Berths)
    • Visakhapatnam Port Trust (17 Berths)
    • Vizag Sea Ports Pvt. Ltd. (EQ-8 &EQ-9 Berths)
    • Vishakha Container Terminals Pvt. Ltd. (2 Multi Purpose Berths)
    • Vizag General Cargo Berth Pvt. ltd. (VGCB Berth)
    • Adani Vizag Coal Terminal Pvt. ltd. (EQ-1 Berth)
    • ALBA Multi Commodity Bulk Terminal (WQ-6 Berth)
    • ESSAR Vizag Terminal Pvt. Ltd. (OB-1 &OB-2 Berths)
    • AVR Infra (EQ-10)
  • The Gangavaram Port (8 Berths)
    • Gangavaram Port limited.

9 Container Freight Stations (CFSs) for staffing, de-stuffing and clearance of containerize Exim cargo.

  • Sravan Shipping Services CFS
  • Gateway East India Pvt. Ltd.
  • Central Warehousing Corporation (CWC)
  • VPL Integral CFS Pvt. Ltd.
  • Multimodal Logistic Park (CONCOR)
  • Visakha Container Terminal CFS
  • Sical SMART CFS
  • Visakha CFS & Logistics Pvt. Ltd.
  • Sravan CFS Pedagantyada.

Bulk Cargo is mainly imported/ exported from the ports of Gangavaram & VPT

Liquid Bulk cargo is imported/ exported only from VPT.

Containerized Cargo is imported/ exported through Visakha Container Terminal which is a separate facility under the Custodianship of Visakha Container terminals Pvt. Ltd., and the nine CFSs.

There are 2 SEZs functioning under the Jurisdiction of this Customs House:

  • Visakhapatnam Special Economic Zone (VSEZ);
  • AP IT Special Economic Zone.

VSEZ: Located at Duvvada, about 35 Kms from the City of Visakhapatnam, setup by Government of India, Ministry of Commerce in the year 1989 as VEPZ (Visakhapatnam Export Processing Zone); and converted to SEZ in the year 2003. It is a multi-product SEZ. Important Products: Gems & Jewelry, Pharmaceuticals, Bio-diesel, Software etc.

AP IT SEZ: Located at Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam, set up by Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation, in the year 2006. It is a sector specific SEZ engaged solely in the field of software development/ export.

The SEZs are under the administrative control of Ministry of Commerce and Industry and the executive power is vested with the concern Development Commissioner .

(ii) The powers and Duties of its officers and employees :

The Visakhapatnam Customs Commissionerate is headed by the Principal Commissioner of Customs and the overall supervision of this Custom House is looked after by an Additional Commissioner and a Joint Commissioner rank officer.

The work of this Commissionerate is regulated through Deputy/Assistant Commissioners and assisted by Appraisers and Superintendents who are entrusted to look after the daily working of this Zone. The basic executive functions are performed by Inspectors (Examining Officers/Preventive Officers). The other works are supported by ministerial staff STA/TA/LDC. The Sepoys/Hawaldars (redesignated as Gr.C Non-Ministerial) are responsible for ensuring safety & security of Office premise along with works time to time entrusted to them.

The Officers and staff of this Commissionerate are committed to provide to trade and industry time bound and speedy cargo clearance facility, quick redressal of grievances, and inculcating the sense of service in its officers with stress on the followings to get a hold of achievement with efficiency as set down under CITIZEN'S CHARTER.

  • Objectivity and transparency
  • Integrity and judiciousness
  • Courtesy and understanding
  • Promptness and efficiency

The Powers of officers of Customs have been elaborated in Section 5 of the Customs Act, 1962 and are laid as under —

(1) Subject to such conditions and limitations as the Board may impose, an officer of Customs may exercise the powers and discharge the duties conferred or imposed on him under this Act.

(2) An officer of Customs may exercise the powers and discharge the duties conferred or imposed under this Act on any other officer of Customs, who is subordinate to him

The work is delegated to various categories of officers within the framework of the law. More details on Annexure - "D"

(iii) The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability :

a) The Principal Commissioner of Customs is to monitor the working and functions of all the subordinate officers to provide the fast clearance of import-export cargo, clearance of international passengers' baggage, administrative control, etc. Since the Policy formulations are exclusively in the domain of the Board, policy implementation in spirit of the laws, the problems faced by the Trade and Industry as representated compiles and forward them to the Board which becomes ingredients for policy formulation.

b) Decision making in the organization is based on decentralization that is to say that there is a definite delegation of authority and responsibility to different levels of the organization. Such delegation is laid out either in the Customs Act, 1962 or the Rules made there under or vide various circulars issued by the department from time to time.

c) Since this Custom House is entrusted with the main work of implementation of the Customs Act, Rules, allied Acts and Board's orders etc., all aspects of Revenue are monitored and status are forwarded to Board in the form of weekly, monthly and quarterly reports.

d) All references received from the Trade, different stakeholders and Field formations are submitted by concerned Sections to the AC/DC in-charge in the Commissionerates. The file noting are prepared by E0 /PO (Inspector)/TA/LDC. The relevant notification / circulars etc. are explained by Suptd / AO. The main recommendations are made by AC /DC /ADC and finally the important decisions are approved by the Principal Commissioner. In case of any clarification required the same is referred to the Board to take final decision.

(iv) The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions:

The mission of the organization is to achieve excellence in the implementation of Customs Acts, Allied Acts and Rules there under aimed at;

a) Creating a climate for voluntary compliance by providing guidance and building mutual trust

b) Administering the Government's economic, tariff and trade policies with a practical and pragmatic approach.

c) Realizing the revenues in a fair, equitable and efficient manner

d) Facilitating trade and industry by streamlining and simplifying Customs and Excise processes in light of the guidelines prescribed and facilitating the Trade and Industry

e) Combating revenue evasion, commercial frauds' and social menace in an effective manner

f) Maintaining welfare of the employees.

(v) The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control 'v) or used by its employees for discharging its functions :

All Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals etc. issued by the Govt. of India in respect of government servants are followed for discharged of duties by the officers. All these particulars are available at the folowwing links of our office CBIC website CUSTOMS ACT// CUSTOMS REGULATIONS // CUSTOMS RULES // CUSTOMS NOTIFICATIONS// MANUAL and Customs House, visakhapatnam website www.vizagcustoms.gov.in

(vi) A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control:

The maximum trade related formalities are processed through remote EDI System through online basis; hence, requirement of documents has been reduced substantially. However the documents are related to this office are generally processed and stored in the form of files and folders. Files and documents related to work assigned to concern Sections of this office are duly catalogued, indexed and entered in Registers and these are kept in the custody of respective Sections.

(vii) The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by the Member of public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof :

The members of public can write to this office on any such issue or seek appointment for meeting, if required. Most of the Public Notices, Facility Circulars and Minutes of the meeting contain contact details of issuing authorities. Arrangements have also been made for holding Permanent Trade Facilitation Committee meetings on regular intervals.

(viii) A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public :

The Visakhapatnam Customs Commissionerate maintains its website www.vizagcustoms.gov.in- wherein salient information pertaining to various field formations is given for general information of the masses at large. In addition, web-site also contains copy of the Public Notices / Tenders /Standing Orders / Establishment Orders / Trade Facilitation etc. issued by this Commissionerate.

Trade Facilitation Committee meeting : A trade facilitation committee exists in this Custom House and members of the committee includes House Agents Association, Cargo Handling Agents/Steamers Agent Association, various custodians, and various stakeholders etc. The main object of the meeting is to discuss problems related to the clearance of import and export goods and to find solution thereto. The meeting is held at a regular interval. All the concerned Assistant Commissioners of Customs/Deputy Commissioners of Customs and Additional Commissioner/Joint Commissioner participate in the said meeting. The agenda of the meeting is set up in advance and the detailed minutes of the meeting is uploaded in the web-site www.vizagcustoms.gov.in for knowledge of general public.

The Citizen's Charter of the Department envisions that the Customs officers shall carry out their assigned tasks with integrity and judiciousness; courtesy and understanding: objectivity and transparency; promptness and efficiency. The officers are also committed to providing every possible assistance to the public and trade in implementation of the Customs policies and procedures.

Public Grievances redressal : As a part of implementation of Sevottam, Public Grievances are taken care of immediately after the Complaint/Grievance appears on the portal as well as physical receipt. Prompt handling of the complaints/grievances received through CPGRAMS (Central Public Grievances Monitoring System). The replies/reports are issued to the applicant and also posted on the web-site after approval of the proper officer.

(ix) A directory of its officers and employees:

Particulars are available at www.vizagcustoms.gov.in

Details attached — Annexure - E

(x) The monthly remuneration received by each of its officer and employee including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations:

Details attached — Annexure - F

(xi) The budget allocated to each of its agency indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made:

The details allocation budget grant for the financial year 2023-24 and the expenditure incurred under different heads and additional budget grant, revised allocation for the year 2022-23 are enclosed as Details attached — Annexure - G

(xii) The manner of execution of subsidy programs including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programs:

Not Applicable

(xiii) Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorization granted by it:

Not Applicable

(xiv) Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form:

All the relevant details including RTI replies passed by the CPIO of this Commissionerate are made available on the web-site www.vizagcustoms.gov.in

(xv) The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use :

The details of the minutes of the PTFC/CCFC Meetings, Public Notices, Circulars, employees postings details are uploaded on the website at www.vizagcustoms.gov.in

(xvi) The names, designation and other particulars of the Public Information Officers

The details list of CPIOs and Appellate Authorities of this Commissionerate mentioning their charges are published time to time. Particulars are available at www.vizagcustoms.gov.in Attachment at Annexure - "H"

(xvii) Such other information as may be prescribed.

(I)This Office has been awarded an IS 15700:2005 certificate by BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS Annexure - I

(II)Foreign & Domestic Tours by ministries and officials of the rank of Joint Secretary to the Government and above, as well as Heads of the Department Annexure - J

(III)CAG and PAC paras and the action taken reports (ATR's) after these have been laid on the both the tables of houses of parliament, if any AUDIT REPORT

(IV)List of the employees against whom disciplinary action taken/proposed ANNEURE K

(V)Programmes to advance undersanding of RTI- Training of SPIO/APIO- List of the Officers who have attended RTI Training ANNEURE L
Efforts are being made to encourage the Officers for attending and participating the educational programmes and attending training on RTI.

(VI)List of Public (u/s57)/ Private (u/s58 / Special Warehouses(u/s 58A) -Bonds Section- ANNEXURE M

(VII)Parliamentary Questions and the replies ANNEXURE N


(IX)Time limit for achieving the target is being adhered to.


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SUO MOTU Disclosure under Section 4 of the RTI Act
RTI No Date Name of the Applicant Reply

Reply Copies of RTI Appeal
Appeal No Date Name of the Applicant Order